Constitution and By-Laws
The Erindale Village Association established a new constitution in 2019, after amending the founding version which was ratified in 1980. In 2020, a Committee was formed to further update the Constitution and By-Laws.
The latest version of the Constitution and By-Laws was approved by the membership at the February 18, 2021, Annual General Meeting.
Other Documents
Everything You Need to Know
The Erindale Village Association strives to uphold the highest legal, ethical, and moral standards. These standards are required of Association Members and Directors both as individuals and when conducting affairs on behalf of the Association.
Our Code of Conduct is designed to allow the Association to preserve its long tradition of integrity and credibility within the Association and with our stakeholders.
The Erindale Village Association is committed to creating and maintaining an environment characterized by constructive, productive and supportive relationships. Such relationships are often subject to contrasting styles of understanding and acting, and to different points of view. It is essential that we all recognize that human interactions are complex, often difficult, and that we all can contribute to their success.