Join the Erindale Village Association
A modest fee of $20 per year helps keep you informed on important matters impacting you, your community and your investment as a homeowner. It provides you with the support of the board who proactively represent your interests in preserving and enhancing Erindale Village and in addressing any issue you may have.
Your membership has perks!
You will receive a copy of the Erindale Village Member directory
You will receive important community updates and upcoming family-friendly social activities delivered to your door
You will receive email updates of community events, helpful reminders, and other important community information (email address required)
You will have a say about your community and be a voting member at the Annual General Meeting
What does my membership fee go towards?
As a non-profit volunteer run association, all membership fees are directed towards enhancing Erindale Village including:
Sponsoring Village events and ensuring a sense of community
Printing of announcements, newsletters and other Village circulars
Paying due to MIRANET (The City of Mississauga’s Residents’ Associations Network)
Maintaining the Association website
Download the membership application today.
Want to Volunteer?
We are always looking for volunteers to assist and ideas to ensure our Village continues to thrive. Contact the Board and let us know how you are willing to help. Students are welcome to build their volunteer hours as well!
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.