As you may have heard, Bonnie Crombie used her strong mayor powers on Friday, to reverse a Mississauga council decision that would prevent four-unit homes, otherwise known as fourplexes, from being built within city limits after the federal government withdrew infrastructure funding. Last week, Mississauga City Council voted against a proposal that would have allowed fourplexes to be built “as a right” and instead referred the idea back to staff for further consideration.
Please see the information below on upcoming meetings regarding this decision In summary, they are:
City staff will be bringing two reports to the Planning and Development Committee on Monday, October 23, 2023. I hope many of you can attend on Monday evening, as it is very important to have resident representation.
Virtual town hall meetings will be held on November 10 and November 24 at 7 p.m. To register for a town hall meeting, please visit
Dear Mississauga Residents,
You may have heard about the federal government's proposal to allow fourplexes to be built "as of right" on single-family lots across Canada. This means that homeowners could convert their existing houses into four units, or demolish and rebuild a new fourplex, without needing to apply for a rezoning or a variance from the city.
The goal of this initiative is to increase the supply and affordability of housing in our communities, especially in areas where there is high demand and low vacancy. By allowing more people to live on the same amount of land, we can reduce urban sprawl, greenhouse gas emissions, and infrastructure costs. We can also create more diverse and inclusive neighbourhoods, where people of different incomes, ages, and backgrounds can live together.
The federal government offers financial incentives to municipalities that adopt this policy, such as grants, loans, and tax credits. These funds can support local planning, infrastructure, and community engagement. We are also providing technical assistance and best practices to help municipalities implement this change in a way that respects local context and character.
We understand that this is a significant change for many homeowners and neighbours, and we want to hear from you. We are inviting you to participate in a public consultation process, where you can learn more about the benefits and challenges of fourplexes, share your views and concerns, and provide feedback on how we can make this policy work for Mississauga.
The consultation will take place online from November 1 to November 30, 2023. You can access the consultation website at, where you will find more information, resources, and a survey. You can also join one of our virtual town hall meetings, which will be held on November 10 and November 24 at 7 p.m. To register for a town hall meeting, please visit
We hope you will share your thoughts and ideas with us. Together, we can create more housing options for Canadians and build stronger communities for the future.
Sean Fraser
Federal Minister of Housing
Join Us!
City staff will be bringing two reports to the Planning and Development Committee on October 23, 2023.
1. Recommendation Report: Additional Residential Unit (ARU) Zoning: Staff will be presenting recommendations for new zoning and official plan regulations to Mississauga neighborhoods. These regulations will allow for more housing options, such as garden suites, garage conversions, and laneway suites in our neighbourhoods. Aligned with provincial requirements, they permit up to three residential units on a single lot. These regulations also outline the appropriate lot size for one- or two-storey ARUs and provide direction on their size and height. The recommendation report is available here.
2. Information Report: Neighbourhood Zoning Review: Staff will also provide an information report on our ongoing efforts to streamline single-detached neighborhood zones in Mississauga. This project aims to encourage semi-detached and smaller-sized homes by reducing lot size requirements, enabling the creation of more lots within existing neighborhoods. This project will include opportunities for public engagement, with zoning recommendations expected next year. The information report is available here.
We invite you to join us on October 23, 6:00 pm at Mississauga Planning and Development Committee (PDC) meeting to hear more and participate at the meeting. See below:
Review the agenda and reports: take a moment to review the information ahead of the meeting.
Watch the live stream on the City's PDC website: No registration is required. Simply visit our website to tune in and stay informed.
Join us in person at City Hall: We recommend advance registration for in-person attendance.
Deputations in-person or virtually during the meeting: You must register to provide your input or make a comment virtually during the meeting, please email or call 905-615-3200, ext. 5423, no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. before the meeting date.
We look forward to your participation.
Warm regards,
The Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhoods Study Team
