Circulating a notice from the City

City staff will bring an Information Report to Planning and Development Committee on March 27, 2023, to update Council and the public about the current progress of the IHCN study.
To date, City staff have conducted several analyses of the housing typologies mandated by Bill 23. These analyses, in addition to feedback and input received from the public, will be used to formulate appropriate Zoning By-law regulations and Official Plan policies for housing types such as garden suites, garage conversions, laneways suites, triplexes, and multiplexes. A statutory Public Open House and Staff Recommendations report will be released later in 2023.
The meeting agenda will be available here one week prior to the meeting. The meeting agenda will include the report as well as further details on how to participate virtually, in person, or provide written comments. Please note that advance notice is required if you wish to participate.
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Date: Monday, March 27, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Online and Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
If you are unable to attend, have questions, or would like to share your comments, you can also email or post on our Q&A tool.
Thank you for your ongoing interest in the Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhoods Study.
Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhoods Study Team